Business Development Blog2022-10-28T01:46:04+00:00

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Business Development

Attract Your Ideal Customer

Struggling to connect with your ideal clients? Craft a detailed customer profile to attract the right audience, maximize your marketing efforts, and grow your business with purpose.   Attract Your Ideal Customer: How to write a customer profile that speaks to your customer, streamlines your marketing, and grows your business. [...]

Create a Competitive Advantage with a Customer Profile

Business owners struggle to find ways to make their products “stand out” in an overcrowded marketplace. Identifying your ideal customer and creating marketing collateral to attract the people who are most likely to buy your product is key to increasing customer loyalty, reducing competition, and giving you a competitive advantage to grow your business. [...]

Understanding Your Customers Money Mindset

Struggling to craft irresistible offers and overcome price objections? Discover how tailoring your approach to your customers money mindset can boost sales and build lasting loyalty.   Understanding Your Customer's Money Mindset: Three Key Strategies to Improve Your Marketing and Sales Every customer has a unique relationship with money, [...]

Leverage Personality Types to Identify Your Ideal Customer

In today’s overcrowded marketplace finding loyal customers is difficult. One way to create a competitive advantage for your business is to leverage your customers personality type to appeal to the customers who are most likely to purchase from you. Knowing your ideal customer's personality can help optimize your resources and help build a loyal [...]

Benefits Of Niche Marketing

Staying competitive is important to business owners. Identifying a market niche has many competitive benefits that give you a unique advantage over your competition including increasing customer loyalty, reducing competition, increasing marketing effectiveness, and improving profitability. This article identifies how niche marketing can make you more competitive.   Niche Marketing Business owners [...]

How to Identify Your Market Niche

Business owners struggle to find a way to make their products “stand out” in an overcrowded marketplace. Identifying a market niche can increase customer loyalty, reduce competition, and give you a unique advantage to grow your business. This article identifies the steps in finding a niche that aligns with their strengths and has the potential [...]

Handling Price Objections Online

When a customer is objecting to price, don't accept the premise. You need to switch their focus from the cost of your product to the cost of not having your product. You can help them “see” the value by asking questions and stirring up emotions about their problem. Good website copy can reposition your [...]

What is Business Made Simple University

Business Made Simple (BMSU) is everything you need to know to run a business. Developed by Donald Miller, best-selling author of Business Made Simple, Marketing Made Simple, and Building a Brand Story. BMSU gives subscribers unlimited access to on-demand videos that help you run your business more efficiently. Most business [...]

Business During A Crisis: Think Customer First

Interruptions to your business during a crisis can be costly. Remember your customers needs will likely change during the crisis. Adapting your business to fit the changing needs of your customers will help you survive. Here are ways you can adapt and thrive. Answers and solutions are the two most [...]

5 Ways to Improve Your Website

Before you do any digital marketing, make sure your website is ready. Before you do any digital marketing, make sure your website is ready. The purpose of all of your online marketing is to drive the customer to your website so you can fully inform them of your services. If your website is [...]

Susan Wilcox

Susan Wilcox, President , eDynamic Marketing, LLC

Strong brands don’t just happen, they are built. Every day, brands lose money simply because they don’t have a clear strategy and effective marketing to help them grow.

Susan Wilcox has over 30 years of experience helping to grow brands and build businesses. Susan combines her strong corporate experience from Proctor & Gamble, Arm & Hammer, and Johnson & Johnson with her entrepreneurial spirit to help independent business owners create the businesses they want. Read more

Free Coaching Call

Let’s talk about your marketing. Setup some time to do a quick overview of where you are and where you want to be. Get some fast tips to improve your message and find out how eDynamic Marketing can help you.

Book a Strategy Session

Keep your marketing on course with regular strategy sessions. Topics will be based on your business needs but may include strategy development, website copy development, marketing plans and reviews.

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